Dragon Ball Characters

Sorry because I didn't place a backgroung image here! Probably because it has already too much images!

Son Gokou

He's the main character, so I'll introduce him first! He's a Saiya-Jin! The series start when Gokou is only 6 years old. He came from Planet Vejita when he was a little baby with the mission of destroying all humans and to conquer the planet. He was found by an old hermit called Son Gohan. At the beggining he was a bad tempered boy, but, one day, he fell and hit his head on a rock and he became a gentle boy. Later he became a powerful fighter. When Raditz got to Earth, he and Piccolo teamed up and beated him, but Gokou got killed! He then fought with Nappa and Vejita, beating them both! Then, Freezer showed up and got killed by Gokou. After that, when Cell appeared, Gokou got killed again.

Son Gohan

Son Gokou's son. He's half Saiya-Jin and half human. Probably one of the most powerful fighters in Dragon Ball series. He was introduced in the beggining of DBZ, when he was just 6 years old. He was trained by Piccolo when they were going to fight with Nappa and Vejita. He defeated Cell when all seemed lost! He has a very big respect for his father and Piccolo. He likes to study and doesn't enjoy fighting that much!

Son Goten

Son Gokou's second son. He's also half Saiya-Jin and half human. He really loves to fight, and he hates to study. His best friend is Trunks. He only met his father when they were going on the Martial Arts Tournament. He only knew his father by what Gohan told him. Gohan told him that his father was the greatest man of them all. The all powerful, Super Saiya-Jin.


He's a Namek-Jin. A very powerful character in DBZ! He's son of Piccolo Daimao. He fought Gokou to control the world, but got defeated. When the Saiya-Jins arrived, he teamed up with Gokou and started to be one of his best friends! He really cares for Gohan, who was his student!


He's one of Gokou's best friend. He trained with Gokou since the beggining of the series. He always had the dream of getting married and have kids. Quite powerful. He's a brave human. He was always bald until a time in DBZ in which his hair grows! One curious fact is that he never grows. He's always small for all the Dragon Ball series.


He's also a full Saiya-Jin just like Gokou. Prince Vegeta is a very powerful fighter. He believes that he's the most powerful fighter of the Universe. At first he was a "bad guy" but, after he got defeated by Gokou, he somehow changed and became kinder. Later he married with Bulma and had a son, Trunks. He cares for his family.

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